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Welcome to St. John’s Lutheran Church

in Davis, West Virginia

At St. John’s all are welcome. We are a congregation that loves serving God and our community. As a

member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ECLA), we are full-communion partners with the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, the Reformed Church in America, and the Moravian Church. We invite you to join us.


Known as the Big Green Church in Davis, we are located at the intersection of Third Street and Blackwater Avenue.

Join Us


Traditional Lutheran Worship Service

11:00 AM

315 Blackwater Ave., Davis, West Virginia

On-street parking is available anywhere you choose.


If winter weather or other circumstances cause us to cancel worship on a given Sunday, notice will be posted on this page by 10:00 a.m. of that day.


We're looking for a contractor...

St. John's is still searching for a contractor to secure all the old beams in the tower so construction can then begin on the new foundation work. In September, the Scheffel Brothers of Allegheny Welding, Oakland, MD were up to the task of removing the nearly 1 ton bell, (50 inches in diameter of cast iron)--the first step in making repairs. Many of the original trap doors were able to be opened to safely bring the bell straight down through 5 floors and then "cherry-picked" out the front doors of the church. 

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